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How to create mass invite?

One of the coolest and easiest feature of TicketGrind has to be ability to send mass invitation from the website.

Follow these steps to send mass invite:
1. Log-in to your account.
2. Select "My Events" from the drop down menu located at the top right.
3. Locate the event u want to send mass invite to if u hae more than one event.
4. Click on "manage" buttom under the "quick links" tab.
5. Select "Invite" then click "Create Invitation"
6. Fill out the necessary infos.
7. Add .CSV file with the list of email addresses or enter individual emails addresses you want to send invitation to.
8. Send Invitation

** Schedule : You can select specific date and time to send the invitation.
** Save : You can save it as a draft too. 

watch the video